April 21, 2021

April is Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month has been recognized every April since 1992, but this year it seems particularly important.  Learning to cope with our stress and finding healthy ways to deal with these situations can go a long way in living a healthy and positive life.  Long-term stress can prove to be more than just a mental issue.  From headaches to stomach disorders to depression – even very serious issues like stroke and heart disease can come as a result of stress.

The CDC provides some basic ideas to help you cope with stress…

  • Take care of yourself – eat healthy, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, give yourself a break if you feel stressed.
  • Discuss your problems with a parent, friend or another trusted source.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol.
  • Recognize when you need more help – know when to talk to a psychologist, social worker or counselor if things continue.


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About Mike Killilea