National Dog Day
Happy National Dog to to all of our furry friends! We hope you have a fun and safe weekend.
Happy National Dog to to all of our furry friends! We hope you have a fun and safe weekend.
PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: ODOT 21-0603 GALLIA COUNTY ODOT 21-0603 has the rear abutment cofferdam installed, and the piling had been driven. The rear abutment was poured on 8/23/22. The crew consists of Dan Wilson, Clay Slevin, Jeremy McGuire, Lee Sullivan, and Foreman Jeff McGuire. Progress is continuously being made and we are proud of the guys, […]
PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: CSO 1029 MODIFICATIONS The Righter Co., Inc. has been working on the City of Lancaster CSO 1029 Modifications project. Crews recently completed the temporary beam and lagging earth retention system and begin the process of building the new combined sewer overflow structure. The base slab has been poured and can continue to […]
PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: VILLAGE OF BREMEN – WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT INFLUENT SCREEN This project for the Village of Bremen consists of the installation of a new mechanical influent screen and associated concrete structures, site utilities, by-pass pumping, electrical work and an alternate for influent headworks piping modifications. In the picture below you will see the concrete […]
PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: 300 N. 4TH STREET – ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION Righter has been working on this project for The City of Columbus that consisted of the renovation and modernization of the elevator and its associated spaces at 300 N. 4th Street. This picture showcases the finishing touches that have been completed by the crew which include […]
“Columbus approves $4.2 million to link Camp Chase Trail on West Side”
October 21, 2014 ——————————–
Another successful Covered Bridge Project by The Righter Co., Inc.