
February 22, 2019

Righter’s Parker Covered Bridge Project is Award-Winning!

At the annual Association for Bridge Construction and Design (ABCD) Awards Banquet held in Mason, Ohio, on Thursday, February 21, 2019, The Righter Company received the Outstanding Rehabilitated Short Span Bridge Award for work performed as the General Contractor on the Parker Covered Bridge project in Wyandot County, Ohio.  The project included replacing main truss members, roofing and siding.  Congrats to Mike Killilea, our Project Manager, and Clay Slevin, our Foreman, and the entire crew that worked on this project. Righter is honored to be a 2018 recipient!

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December 19, 2018

Righter Recognizes Length of Service

At the annual Employee Christmas Party on Friday, December 14th, Righter recognized the following individuals for continuous time served:

Mike Killilea, Vice President, pictured above with Joe Mendenhall, Carpenter.  (An astounding 30 years of service – WOW!!!!)

Mike Killilea, Vice President, pictured above with Mark Chicoine, Laborer. (15 years of service)

Mike Killilea, Vice President, pictured above with Chris Thompson, Project Manager. (10 years of service)

Bill Bunner, Carpenter.  (5 years of service – not present/pictured)

Thank you, Joe, Mark, Chris and Bill!  Righter appreciates the commitment and contribution of every employee and is especially proud when talented individuals such as these (and so many others) choose to make Righter their home for the long haul.


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October 22, 2018

Righter Completes CoGo Bike Share Expansion 2018 Project

On Friday, October 19, 2018, the CoGo Bike Share Expansion 2018 project was completed with the final location installed in Grandview!  It joins a long list of projects where Righter has enjoyed working with the City of Columbus Department of Recreation and Parks, to improve the quality of life for Central Ohioans. The original contract sum on this exciting project was $1,593,794.  Mike Killilea was the Project Manager and Marvin Kemmerer was the Project Supervisor.  The crew was comprised of Mike Tackett, Trevor Welch, Mark Chicoine, Vince Gaus and Brad Guiniling.  Great work by our crew and our project partners!


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October 5, 2018

Righter’s Annual All-Employee Meeting

This morning, Righter employees attended its annual mandatory meeting.  Employees listened to individuals talk about Righter’s health care program, 401k retirement plan, short and long term disability options and its employee assistance program.  Employees received an updated employee handbook and the Affirmative Action, EEO and Sexual Harassment policies were reviewed.  In addition, it was publicly announced that Michael D. Killilea, II, became an officer of the company earlier in the year, joining Jerry E. Yantes as Vice President.  The crews who worked on the Wyandot County Covered Bridge projects were recognized as was Brandon Lowery, for his stand-out performance on recent projects.  The Righter Company values, appreciates and is thankful for the hard work and contributions made by all its employees, many of whom have been on board for many, many years!



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October 4, 2018

Our Buckeye Tree

With fall and football season here, we are reminded of our founders.  We are reposting this from 9/15/17 — “So often throughout the year, but especially during the Buckeye football season, our thoughts turn to David Righter, who, along with his late father, Donald, founded The Righter Company on August 19, 1976.  Dave was a Buckeye fan through and through.  This Buckeye tree stands at the entrance to our home office and was planted to honor the life of and contributions and sacrifices made by Dave.”  These words still ring true today!  Below are pictures taken this morning of our beautiful Buckeye tree!  GO BUCKS!!!!!!



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September 28, 2018

Covered Bridge Presentation in Ashtabula County, Ohio

On Saturday, September 22, 2018, Righter Vice President Michael D. Killilea, II, was a presenter at the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges & New York State Covered Bridge Society Covered Bridge Tour, held in Ashtabula County, Ohio.  Mike discussed the challenges of rehabilitating timber covered bridges.  Great job addressing this topic, Mike!


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September 25, 2018

9/25/18 is National Voter Registration Day!

September 25, 2018 is National Voter Registration Day!

The construction industry and the millions of workers it employs have much at stake this November. It is critical that we elect local, state, and federal leaders who are willing to work for common-sense solutions to the challenges facing the construction industry and its workforce.

In order for our voices to be heard in this ever-changing political landscape, we must register to vote and cast our ballots early or on Election Day. The Associated General Contractors of America make it very easy to receive election reminders via email or text, register to vote, and apply for an absentee ballot using the TurboVote tool. Sign up today at








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